Tel: 01202 721 373

Authority Meetings

The Southern IFCA Committee is made up of representatives from the constituent local authorities, members appointed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and standing representatives from our partner organisations the MMO, Environment Agency and Natural England.

The Southern IFCA Committee meets on a quarterly basis with the Authority appointing members to the standing sub-committees. Of these sub-committees the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), made up of MMO appointees and representatives from the Environment Agency and Natural England, discusses technical measures, evidence and proposed management to make recommendations to the Authority.

The agendas and minutes of the meetings of the Full Authority and the Technical Advisory Committee will be published on this website. We will publish the date and location of our public meetings and the associated papers in a timely manner.

The meeting dates scheduled are:

1st February 2024

Technical Advisory Committee 

14th March 2024

The Authority 

9th May 2024

Technical Advisory Committee

13th June 2024

The Authority

22nd August 2024

Technical Advisory Committee

19th September 2024

The Authority (AGM)

7th November 2024

Technical Advsiory Committee (AGM)

5th December 2024

The Authority

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Agendas will be added below the week before the date of the meeting. Minutes will be added upon approval from the following committees meeting.

Authority Meetings

8th June 2023



21st September 2023  



7th December 2023



14th March 2024



13th June 2024


 Minutes to follow

Technical Advisory Committee 

4th May 2023



24th August 2023



2nd November 2023



1st February 2024



9th May 2024 


Minutes to follow

22nd August 2024


Minutes to follow

Full Committee Chair

Cllr Mr P Fuller

Full Committee Vice Chair

Cllr Mr R Hughes

Technical Advisory Committee Chair

Dr A Jensen

Technical Advisory Committee Vice Chair

Mr R Stride

Authority Members

Southern IFCA aim to be seen and heard by routinely engaging with stakeholders, local organisations and the wider public through open meetings, lectures, presentations and attendance at local open days.

Further information on the IFCA Committee and Sub-Committees can be found in the Southern IFCA Standing Orders which can be obtained from the Southern IFCA office on request.


Cllr Mr R Cooper

Hampshire County Council

Cllr Mr B Dunning

Hampshire County Council

Cllr Mr P Fuller

Isle of Wight Council

Cllr Mr C Goodall

BCP Council

Cllr Mr R Hughes

Dorset Council

Cllr Mr P Miles

BCP Council

Cllr Mr J Savage

Southampton City Council

Cllr Ms K Wheller

Dorset Council

Cllr Mr M Winnington

Portsmouth City Council

Appointed by the Marine Management Organisation

Mr C Brock  

Ms E Bussey- Jones

Dr S Cripps

Mr C Francis

Mr N Hornby

Dr A Jensen

Ms L MacCallum

Mr R Stride

Mr G Wordsworth

Representatives of Partner Organisations

Ms R Irish

Marine Management Organisation

Mr S Kington-Turner

Environment Agency

Dr R Morgan

Natural England

Mr C Brock

I applied to be on the IFCA to ensure that fishers across the south coast who fish in the Southern IFCA district are represented and have input to the management and byelaws that governs them.
I hope to provide industry knowledge on the following matters;
1) Commercial fishing (both static and towed gear).
2) Information on shore-based operations needed by the fishing industry, including marketing, sales and reporting requirements at local and national level.
3) The practical applications of both of the above with consideration of possible unintended consequences of proposed IFCA management interventions.
Member Registration of Interests

Ms E Bussey-Jones

My previous lengthy career was as a barrister, conducting criminal and regulatory cases in Crown Courts. Pursuing a life-long interest in marine matters, I undertook a Masters in Maritime Law at Southampton University. My particular interests are maritime conservation and preservation of the marine environment. I am currently a visiting research fellow at Plymouth University where I am concerned with academic research and projects relating to topics such as sustainable fisheries, marine protected areas, and conservation of underwater cultural heritage. My plan is to pursue further academic research on topics connected to the legal landscape as it impacts upon marine spaces.
Member Registration of Interests

Dr S Cripps

I am an oceanographer having worked at all levels in marine conservation and fisheries management including field surveys, academic research, consultancy and international programme management. Locally I have served as a Poole Harbour Commissioner, Chair of the Dorset Local Nature Partnership and CEO of Dorset Wildlife Trust. Internationally I have worked as Chief Scientist of a large Norwegian consultancy, and led the global programmes for WWF and WCS. I have been a commercial inshore fisherman for a short time and grew up in and around Poole Harbour.
Member Registration of Interests

Mr C Francis

As an active club angler and freelance angler I feel I am well positioned to be a voice for recreational sea angling.
I am a retired army musician, on retirement I took up a post as a peripatetic music teacher with Dorset Music Service, retiring in 2012.
Whilst serving I was a member of the Army Shore Fishing Team and represented the army at tri-service level for a number of years.
My wife and myself own a cheetah catamaran and are very keen anglers. We fish two or three days a week on average, ranging from The Needles to The Shambles.
I am a life member of the Angling Trust and am active member of two local (Poole) angling clubs.

Cllr Mr P Fuller

I have served as a Councillor on the Isle of Wight since 1995, and am currently the Isle of Wight Cabinet Member overseeing Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding.

Since I was first appointed to SIFCA in 2016, it was an honour to be appointed as Chair for this coming year.

My passion as a representative is to strengthen community involvement and engagement from stakeholders, whilst ensuring that feedback is not only listened to but incorporated within our decisions and policy making.

Mr N Hornby

I have worked in a range of roles on marine and environmental policy in government over the last 20 years. Much of my career has been spent developing marine and fisheries policy in Defra, before I recently moved to the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) based in Weymouth.
Member Registration of Interests

Cllr Mr R Hughes

Independent member of Dorset Council since the new Unitary Council was formed in 2019.

I'm also a Town Councillor for Portland Town Council.

In May this year after the elections I was appointed by the new Council to the role of Chairman of the Harbours Advisory Committee for the Dorset Harbours after spending the previous 4 years as vice chair and as a member of the EAP on Climate Change and Ecological Emergency that the Council declared in 2019.

I am so pleased to have been appointed by SIFCA to the role of Vice Chair in June. Marine conservation has always been important to me and I fully support all the good work that SIFCA is involved in both off the Dorset Coastline and nationally.

As a scuba diving instructor I have seen all too often the damage that has been done to our marine environment and the loss of fish stocks around our coast.

Outside of my council roles I am a trustee of Portland Museum.

Ms R Irish

Rachel’s background is in marine & environmental science and she has worked at the MMO for a number of years as a Marine Enforcement Officer. Her current role as Principal Marine Officer involves overseeing the coastal operational business for the MMO’s South Team (Dorset and South/North coast of Devon). This includes two offices at Poole and Brixham where she is responsible for H&S and HR/wellbeing team management as well as business objectives (compliance & enforcement of fisheries, marine works and grant funding, also fishing vessel licensing and liaison with the fishing industry, other marine agencies and enforcement bodies).

Dr A Jensen

Marine ecologist working within Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Research interests include coastal fisheries, benthic ecology and artificial reefs. Working with Southern IFCA has allowed me to place data into policy discussions, in turn research has developed from questions posed at Southern IFCA meetings.
Member Registration of Interests

Ms L MacCallum

Working on marine conservation projects both in the UK and overseas has allowed me to develop an understanding of the intricate beauty of marine life, as well as the economic benefits that healthy seas and a vibrant fishing industry can bring to local people.

I currently work as the Solent Project Manager for the Blue Marine Foundation. I hope to bring knowledge of marine habitat restoration to the discussions at the Southern IFCA, along with my knowledge of the many environmental designations in place to protect the district’s internationally important marine life.
Member Registration of Interests

Dr R Morgan

I am a Marine Lead Adviser within Natural England’s Wessex Team, with responsibilities including leading on the team’s fisheries work; marine licensing casework; and managing marine monitoring and research projects. Prior to joining Natural England in 2013, I completed a PhD at the University of Portsmouth which investigated the economic challenges and response strategies of inshore fishermen in the English Channel. I am interested in contributing to the development of fisheries that deliver both economic and environmental sustainability.

Mr R Stride

I am an inshore static gear fisherman operating an 8m boat from Mudeford. I returned to commercial fishing 17 years ago after a career in Fisheries Development in a variety of roles, in projects in Latin America and Africa.
Member Registration of Interests

Mr G Wordsworth

I was an inshore fisherman for 10 years until I moved into shellfish aquaculture in the mid 1980's. I run an oyster farm in Poole Harbour and another in Kent. I am Secretary of Poole and District Fishermen's Association and in my spare time I am a keen angler. I believe that my experience in commercial fishing, aquaculture and angling will enable me to make a useful contribution to the Southern IFCA Committee.
Member Registration of Interests

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