Tel: 01202 721 373

About us and what we do

The IFCA Vision

“Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities will lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries, by successfully securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry.”

The nationally agreed Vision for IFCAs encapsulates the core role of the Authority and from this five High-Level Objectives (HLOs) and Success Criterion were developed nationally to support attainment of the IFCA Vision.

A ‘golden thread’ demonstrates the connection between IFCA aims and objectives on a national stage (Vision, High Level Objective and Success Criterion) with operational delivery at the local level (Southern IFCA Annual Plans and Team Strategies) to facilitate an understanding of how Southern IFCA support the National IFCA model. The model also provides transparency and clarity regarding the future direction of Southern IFCA with regard to workstream delivery.

High Level Objective

Success Criterion

Achieving a sustainable marine economy

IFCAs are recognised and heard, whilst working in partnership and engaging with stakeholders

Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society

IFCAs implement a fair, effective and proportionate enforcement regime

Living within environmental limits

IFCAs use an evidence based and appropriate measures to manage sustainable exploration of Sea Fisheries Resources

Promoting good governance

IFCAs have appropriate governance in place and staff are trained and professional

Using sound science responsibly

IFCAs make the best use of evidence to deliver their objectives

The full HLOs and associated performance indicators are outlined in the Southern IFCA Annual Strategic Plan 2024-2025  . The plan also sets out how the Southern IFCA aims to meet these objectives for the coming year.

For Southern IFCAs annual plans, reports, team strategies and more please visit our Authority Reports Page.

Our Duties

The primary duties for Southern IFCA are set out within the Marine and Coastal Access Act, 2009. In summary sections 153 and 154 require the IFCA to

  1. Manage the exploitation of sea fisheries resources in its district. In doing so it must:
    • Seek to ensure that the exploitation of sea fisheries resources is carried out in a sustainable way.
    • Seek to balance the social and economic benefits of exploiting the sea fisheries resources of the district with the need to protect the marine environment from, or promote its recovery from, the effects of such exploitation.
    • Take any other steps which in the authority’s opinion are necessary or expedient for the purpose of making a contribution to the achievement of sustainable development.
    • Seek to balance the different needs of persons engaged in the exploitation of sea fisheries resources in the district.
  2. Seek to ensure that the conservation objectives of any MCZ in the district are furthered.

As defined as a ‘Competent and Relevant Authority’ the Southern IFCA is required to perform its duties in regard to a number of other Regulations as they implement, amongst others; The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and the ‘Water Framework Directive’.

The District

The Southern IFCA is one of the 10 IFCAs which manage the marine inshore environment around the coast of England.

The Southern IFCA District stretches from the Devon/Dorset border in the West to the Hampshire/Sussex border in the East and covers the combined areas of the relevant councils as well as the entire Dorset, Hampshire and Isle of Wight coastline out to 6 nautical miles from the baselines. The Southern IFCA borders the Sussex IFCA to the east and the Devon and Severn IFCA to the west.

There are 316 active commercially licensed vessels in the District (December 2024) and an estimate of over 150 recreational craft operating as angling/diving charter vessels. In addition, there are countless private recreational angling craft operating throughout the area, whilst the beaches, marinas and piers along the coastline are nationally important for sea angling. The commercial and recreational fishery is vital to the coastal communities within the District.

Southern IFCA | SIFCA | Covered District Map | South Coast of England

The Southern IFCA Team

Southern IFCA has nineteen members of staff comprising a Chief Officer, Principal Deputy Chief Officer, Deputy Chief Officer, Business Services Manager & the Business Services Team who are all based in the Poole office, ten Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Officers (IFCOs) based across the District and 3 Project Officers based in the Poole office.

To find out more about what our Compliance & Enforcement Team does, please visit the Compliance and Enforcement section of our website.

To find out more about the undertakings of our Fisheries Management and Policy Team please visit the Fisheries and Research section and the Consultations section of our website.

Chief Officer

Pia Bateman

Office Manager

Maria Chaplin

Accounts Administrator

Paul Savage

Administration and Permitting 

Jo Wilson


Jennifer Carr

Compliance & Enforcement Team

Principal Deputy Chief Officer

Sam Dell

Senior IFCO

David Mayne

Senior IFCO

Adam Parry


Jay Bedwell


Rowan Checketts


Megan Fullbrook


Kyle Payton

Fisheries Research and Policy Team

Deputy Chief Officer

Dr Sarah Birchenough 

Senior IFCO Policy Specialist

Emily Condie


Hester Churchouse


Celie Mullen


Dominic Parry

Project Officer

William Meredith-Davies

Project Officer

Chelsea Perrins

Project Officer

Imogen Wright

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