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Southern IFCA Byelaw Booklet

We are excited to launch our new, interactive Southern IFCA Byelaw Booklet. Southern IFCA have been working with a graphic designer to create a new, user-friendly and easy-to-navigate Byelaw Booklet for industry. The new booklet is interactive, meaning you can navigate between the Contents page and each Byelaw with a single click! 

The below Byelaw Booklet is up to date with the current Southern IFCA byelaws as of September 2023.

You can also view and download the Southern IFCA Byelaw Booklet in a PDF format in a separate window here.

The information provided in the Byelaw Booklet should not be used as a definitive statement of current regulations. Original byelaws are held at the Authority’s office and copies are available on request.

Please also note that only the Southern IFCA Byelaws are detailed in the Byelaw Booklet. In addition to these byelaws, there are a number of other pieces of legislation, such as UK Orders and Southern IFCA Codes of Practice that apply within the Southern IFCA District. Please see the relevant Regulations web pages for more information. 

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