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Credit: Georgie Bull

Latest News

Sept' 24

MMO Seeking Views on Wrasses, Black Seabream and Gilthead Bream

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is encouraging sea anglers and commercial fishers to share their veiws on wrasses, black seabream and gilthead bream as part of a short online survey for the Wrasses Complex and Black Seabream FMPs.

The survey aims to help the MMO's understanding of the fisheries and the issues and opportunities sea anglers and commercial fishers think will affect them over the coming years.

A further objective of the survey is to identify a wider set of stakeholders for invovlement in more engagement as the FMPs are developed. 

For details on the focus of each FMP please see our dedicated FMP webpage.

A link to further information and the survey is available here.

Sept' 24

Court Outcome

On Wednesday 4th September 2024 at Poole Magistrates Court, fisherman Luke James pleaded guilty to retaining on board his fishing vessel a quantity of manila clams that were below the minimum conservation reference size, and to failing to submit monthly catch returns to the Southern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority within stipulated deadlines.

Charges were laid by the Southern IFCA and Mr. James was ordered to pay costs and fines totalling £9,093.10.

The court heard how on 21st October 2023, Mr. James was intercepted by officers who were aboard the Southern IFCA Fisheries Patrol Vessel Endeavour in the River Frome. Mr. James was driving his fishing vessel PE1218 Elmay downstream. Retained on board his vessel were between approximately 165kg of manila clams. An inspection of the catch revealed that an average of 42% of the manila clams were below the minimum conservation reference size of 35mm. Mr. James initially explained to officers that he had picked up most of the catch from a friend at Wareham Quay. Scant contact details for the friend were provided and subsequent Southern IFCA enquiries, involving the seizure of CCTV evidence, proved that the details and account given by Mr. James were fictitious. Mr. James later admitted fabricating the story and confirmed that he had caught the manila clams earlier that day in the Wareham Channel, Poole Harbour.  

The court also heard how Mr. James had been late submitting his Southern IFCA monthly catch returns during the 2023 Poole Harbour dredge fishing season (open to permit holders 25th May to 23rd December inclusive). Mr. James was charged in relation to late submissions for the months of October and November 2023.The monthly catch returns provide the Southern IFCA with important information, including the dates, times, location, quantities and type of species caught within the harbour, enabling the IFCA to monitor stock levels and manage the fishery sustainably.

As the master and sole owner of fishing vessel PE1218 Elmay, Mr. Luke James was fined £1800 for his breach of the minimum conservation reference size regulations and £500 for his breach of the Southern IFCA Poole Harbour Dredge Permit Byelaw and conditions. He was ordered to pay the full £5,873.10 prosecution costs and a victim surcharge of £920, making a total of £9,093.10 for all fines and costs.

When asked to comment, Principal Deputy Chief Officer Sam Dell said, “This case sends a clear message that failing to comply with the regulations will not be tolerated. I would like to publicly thank the officers involved in this case and recognise their tenacious approach in pursing all lines of enquiry during this investigation. The Southern IFCA is committed to the protection of our shellfish stocks and coastal fisheries, ensuring healthy seas and a viable industry. By taking offenders to court we aim to support a sustainable local fishery.”

Sept' 24

National Fishermen's Mission Support Day 14th October 2024

National charity, the Fishermen's Mission, have announced their first ever National Support day and are inviting the opportunity to celebrate with them at the Sea Showcase at Portsmouth Cathedral on Monday 14th October at 7.30pm.

Hayley Hamlett Mission Area Officer for the South Coast says "This is an evening to not just highlighting the work we do, but also this historic industry that hugs our coastline. We promise an evening of songs to sing to, entertainment to surprise you, as well as inspirational speakers and so much more”.

The Fishermen's Mission state that it is an evening like no other, with people coming together to share in the lived experience as well as to sing shanties with local musician and Shantyman Chris Ricketts, The Selsey Shantymen and local choirs. This event is made even more special by being held in the Cathedral of the Sea – Portsmouth Cathedral.  

The Fishermen’s Mission is the only national charity that works solely to support active and former fishermen and their families. Ali Godfrey, Director of Business Development for the charity adds "The Fishermen’s Mission began on 14 October 1881. Our founder, Ebenezer Mather, was in Eyemouth that day, when 191 fishermen were drowned close to the coastline, leaving 93 widows and 267 children without a father. So distraught by what he saw, Mather went on to form the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, now also known as the Fishermen’s Mission.  Staying true to his vision, 143 years later, we remain committed to providing services for this unique workforce and their families".

The charity provides a whole range of services including financial, practical, pastoral and wellbeing services.  Last year alone they supported their clients with £421,001 one off grants and took on 785 new clients.

Thousands of families have been helped by the work of the Fishermen's Mission who are very proud of the difference they have made and will continue to make in the local community in and around Portsmouth and beyond.  

Tickets are available in person by visiting the Portsmouth Cathedral shop or by buying them online here: Book Tickets — Portsmouth Cathedral

The local contact for the Fishermen's Mission is Hayley Hamlett ( The Fishermen's Mission website is

Aug' 24

Welcome aboard the new Fisheries Management Plans (FMP) blog

With the goal of making the development and implementation of FMPs more open, accessible, and inclusive, Defra has launched a new blog.

Expect to hear about the latest FMP developments and discover how your input matters.

Defra will take you behind the scenes to meet policy teams, understand the processes and see change in action.

Visit the blog here and don't forget to subscribe to receive email alerts of new posts.

Aug' 24

MMO Quota Leasing Scheme - August 2024

There is anticipated to be excess quota in the non-sector over 10 metre quota pool. In order to make the best use of this quota and to ensure opportunities are available to as many vessels as possible the MMO are taking the following action for English vessels.

Offer of additional quota to vessels in the non-sector with Category B, C and no-quota annex licences.

Please visit Quota Leasing Scheme - August 2024 - GOV.UK ( for further information.

The stocks included in this are (most relevant in bold):

  • Anglerfish - Area 7     
  • Cod - North Sea  
  • Haddock - Areas 7b-k    
  • Haddock- North Sea      
  • Hake - Western 
  • Herring - Areas 4ab      
  • Horse mackerel - North Sea (Areas 4b,4c,7d)      
  • Lemon Sole and Witch- North Sea 
  • Mackerel - Western       
  • Megrim - Area VII
  • Nephrops – Area 7
  • Nephrops – North Sea
  • Plaice- 7a
  • Plaice – North Sea
  • Sole - North Sea
  • Skates & Rays – North Sea 
  • Skates & Rays – 7d
  • Skates & Rays – Western
  • Whiting – North Sea

Applications for access to this additional quota should be emailed to: by 08:00 on Monday 19 August 2024.

You should include:

  • Vessel Port Letters & Numbers (PLN);
  • Vessel name;
  • Owner name;
  • Licence type (Category B / Category C / No quota);
  • Stocks including associated area they are requesting to lease (for example, ‘Anglerfish * Area 7’); and
  • Total quantities requested for each stock.
  • Basic fishing plan

Applications made after this date may still be considered but quota availability after this date may be reduced. 

Aug' 24

Catchwise Social and Economic Survey for Recreational Sea Angling

Catchwise is an innovative collaboration between Substance, Cefas and the Angling Trust, funded by Defra through the Fisheries Industry Science Partnership scheme that is working together with the recreational sea angling community in England and Wales.

Catchwise are running an online survey investigating the social and economic effects of fishing for fun in England and Wales. The survey covers the impact of physical activity, local economy, health & wellbeing, and the cost of living. Understanding these topics will highlight the far-reaching effects of recreational sea angling.

The Catchwise website can be viewed here - Catchwise
The online survey can be accessed here - Information Page : UK sea anglers survey 2024 (

Alternatively you can scan the QR code 

July' 24

Citizen Science Data Report on Trends in UK Sea Angling for 2016-2021

The Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and research & technology company Substance have released a report looking at trends in sea angling data including the number of anglers, participation rates and catches across the UK from 2016 to 2021, alongside an assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on UK sea angling.

The study is ongoing and is an example of a large-scale citizen science project with over 5,000 volunteer sea anglers providing data. Analysis of the timeseries of data for 2016 to 2021 using modelling approaches has improved estimates of participation and catches and has revealed more about trends and changes over time.

The information will be available to be used by scientists, policy makers and the angling community to inform advice for the sustainable management of UK fisheries and Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs).

The full report is available online here, along with more information on the project and relevant links, including to the open access online UKSAIL system to explore the results, and details of how fishers can participate in the ongoing Sea Angling Diary Project.

May' 24

Southern IFCA Online Permitting System

Southern IFCA are pleased to announce the launch of a new online Permitting System.
Applying for your permit using the Permitting System allows you to;

  •   Access your permit information securely online via pc, tablet or mobile phone
  •   Upload your vessel’s documents
  •   Dispense with unnecessary paperwork
  •   Avoid postal costs and the risk of delayed and lost post

At present only the Southern IFCA Fishing for Sale Permit is available on the online Permitting System, however, more permits will become available as we progress with the system.

Click here for more information 

Apr' 24

Defra Webinar on Tranche 4 FMPs

Defra has started the development of its final four Fisheries Management Plans (FMP) projects:

  • Celtic Sea and Western channel demersal FMP for English and Welsh waters
  • Celtic Sea and Western channel pelagic FMP for English and Welsh waters
  • Black seabream FMP for English waters
  • Wrasses complex FMP for English waters

A webinar will be held on Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 13:15 to introduce these FMPs.

Join Defra for presentations about the stocks covered by these plans, who is preparing them and how stakeholders can get involved. Following the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about these plans.

Anyone with an interest in these FMPs and commercial fishing, recreational fishing, and the marine environment is invited to book a place and find out how to get involved in the development of these plans.

Bookings can be made at this link - FMP events- Introduction to the final four FMPs for English waters Tickets, Wed 17 Apr 2024 at 13:15 | Eventbrite

Mar' 24

Report to Parliament about IFCAs Conduct and Operations 2018-2022

The Secretary of State must prepare a statutory report into the conduct and operation of the ten IFCAs every four years, which must be laid before parliament.

The third report will cover the period from September 2018 to September 2022. The report will assess the IFCA's against their five high level objectives set out in the IFCA Vision and Success Criteria document set out in the 2014-2018 Conduct and Operations Report on the IFCAs.

A consultation is currently underway to inform the 2018-2022 report. Defra are seeking feedback in response to the consultation which will contribute to the content of the third Conduct and Operations Report.

For more information on the consultation and how to take part please visit 

Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities' (IFCAs) conduct and operations 2018-2022 - Defra - Citizen Space

Jan' 24

Your Opportunity to Manage Inshore Fisheries and Conservation

The MMO are looking to fill IFCA vacancies for General Members to IFCA Committees and create a reserve list. 

The MMO operates a rolling campaign for the recruitment of IFCA General Members, this means that the IFCA General Member advert will be open to receiving applications for all regional IFCAs from interested candidates throughout the year without the restriction of a cutoff date. The sifting and interviewing of successful applicants will be held on a quarterly basis.

For more information please visit the MMO website - Opportunity to manage inshore fisheries and conservation - GOV.UK (

or contact or

Nov' 23

Court Outcome - Poole Fishermen Plead Guilty

On Wednesday 29th November 2023 at Poole Magistrates Court, Poole fishermen Andrew Skinner & Reginald Skinner, pleaded guilty to taking a quantity of undersized cockles from Poole Harbour, contrary to prohibition (4) of the Fishing for Cockles Byelaw of the Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Southern IFCA) and section 163 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.  Charges were laid by the Southern IFCA and both fishermen were ordered to pay costs and fines totalling £6,456.00.

The court heard how during the morning of Tuesday 13th June 2023, Andrew Skinner was inspected by officers at Fisherman’s Dock, Poole Quay. Mr. Skinner was in possession of 7 bags of cockles and 7 bags of manila clams, which he confirmed had been caught using the fishing vessel Lula Bon PE892 in Poole Harbour. Lula Bon is jointly owned by Andrew Skinner and his father Reginald Skinner.

An inspection of the catch followed. Officers found that the manila clams landed by Mr. Skinner were mainly compliant with the minimum conservation reference size of 35mm. However, based on samples removed for measuring, 33.86% of the cockles were undersized; passing through a gauge having a square opening measuring 23.8mm along each side. The total weight of all shellfish landed by Mr. Skinner was approximately 390kg.

As joint owners of the vessel both Andrew Skinner and Reginald Skinner were liable for the breach of regulations. Each were fined £1200.00 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £1,548.00 and a surcharge of £480.00.

When asked to comment, Deputy Chief Officer Sam Dell said, “This case sends a clear message that failing to comply with the Authority’s regulations will not be tolerated. The Southern IFCA is committed to the protection of our fish stocks and coastal fisheries, ensuring healthy seas and a viable industry. By taking offenders to court we aim to support a sustainable local fishery.

Sept' 23

MMO Consultation Outcomes - Lyme Bay Sole Fishery

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has unveiled a series of measures connected to the sole fishery in Lyme Bay following a consultation with stakeholders earlier this year.

The consultation ran from 29 March to 28 May 2023 and was followed by an in-person workshop with stakeholders to discuss potential new management measures for the fishery.  Further information on the consultation can be found on the website linked below inlcuding a summary of the consultation responses.

Following analysis of the consultation responses, workshop and evidence investigations, the MMO has published a decision document outlining the results, proposed management measures and next steps. The MMO has also produced a one-pager to summarise the outcomes of consultation and proposed management measures. These documents and further detail can also be found at the below link.

Regional Fisheries Groups - South West 7efg - GOV.UK (

Sept' 23

Southern IFCA Net Fishing Byelaw

The Net Fishing Byelaw as been ratified by the Secretary of State, introducing various measures to regulate fishing with nets within the Southern IFCA District.  

The Net Fishing Byelaw has been developed following the Authority’s decision to review and develop regulations for the District’s harbours and estuarine waters in order to support the use of these areas as essential fish habitats, to provide protection to migratory salmonids as they transit through these areas, to balance the social and economic benefits of net fishers and to further the Conservation Objectives of Designated sites.   

The Byelaw introduced three types of management area: 

  • Net Prohibition Areas 
  • Net Restriction Areas 
  • Net Permit Areas 

In addition, the Byelaw introduces requirements for the marking of nets by all fishers within the District, a definition for a ring net and a method for how a ring net must be used and provisions relating to the use of a net within a Bass Nursery Area. 

For more information on the Net Fishing Byelaw please visit the Net Fishing page and if you are wanting to find out more about the Net Permits please visit the Net Fishing Permit page .  

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