he Solent Dredge Permit Byelaw
came into force on the 1
November 2021. The byelaw introduces a single coherent management tool for the purposes of managing the sustainable harvesting of bivalve populations in the Solent prohibiting the use of a dredge by means of a vessel within the Solent unless authorised by a permit. The byelaw and its
permit conditions
set out various mechanisms for managing the fishery including closed seasons, curfews, gear restrictions and catch returns.
There are two permit categories;
Category A Permit for fishing for bivalves (except native oysters) and;
Category B Permit to fish for native oysters.
Category A Permits
Category A permits are required in order to fish for any bivalve (except native oyster).
The application period for the 2024 - 2025 season (1
of November 2024 – 31
October 2025) closed on
30th September 2024
, only Category A Permits have been issued.
Permits have been issued in line with the
Solent Dredge Permit Byelaw Access Policy
Category B Permits
Category B permits are required in order to fish for native oysters following the results of the
Southern IFCA annual native oyster survey
the IFCAs Technical Advisory Committee agreed to close the native oyster beds in the Solent. On this basis, no Category B permits have been issued for the 2024/25 season.
Catch Returns
Permit holders must submit a catch return for each month of the fishing season. catch returns must be submitted no later than the 14th day of the following month. they can be submitted as hard copy or electronic copy to Unit 3, Holes Bay Park Sterte Avenue West, Poole, BH15 2AA or permits@southern-ifca.gov.uk
Management and Policy
The Solent Dredge Permit Byelaw includes the ability to vary certain permit conditions. Further clarity on the intention and process behind such management decisions the Authority may take has been included in the
Management Intentions Document
The fisheries managed by the dredge permit are subject to stock monitoring surveys and research. Details of those surveys and work streams can be found
Stakeholder Engagement
The SDPB puts stakeholder engagement to the forefront of the fishery, therefore, following its commencement on the 1st November 2021, the Solent Bivalve Community Forum was established to facilitate engagement with stakeholders, support the process of flexible permit condition management and to discuss the outcomes of the Solent Bivalve Stock Assessments. The first Solent Bivalve Community Forum took place on the 3
of November 2021 attended by IFCA officers, members of industry and representatives from the Southern IFCA Technical Advisory Committee.
Minutes of the meeting can be found
and a copy of the presentation given can be found